Congratulations to the Phipps family!

Mrs. Margaret Phipps and her son, Michael Phipps, of Mead’s Lane Farm in Owings, MD, were elected as Calvert SCD’s 2023 Cooperator of the Year Award. At the district’s annual dinner held in March, the Phipps family received multiple citations, a barn sign and plaque for this incredible achievement.
The Cooperator of the Year Award is awarded annually to a Calvert County farmer or farm family, that has demonstrated excellence, innovation, and leadership in farming practices and land management. The Phipps are invested in their conservation plan and like to check out fun info like the soil report. The duo are easy to talk to, informative, helpful, and are eager to help during verification. Without a doubt, Margaret and Mike have been, and continue to be, a pleasure to work with. Not surprisingly, this is not the first time the Phipps have received this award. In 1966, the late Mr. William Phipps was given the honor.
We would like to commend your commitment to conservation over the decades and generations. By adapting to new practices and protecting the soil and water resources on your farm, you have built a sustainable farming operation to be proud of.
Mike Phipps was featured on an episode of Maryland Public Television’s (MPT) “Maryland Farm & Harvest” series. In his interview he discusses the pros and cons of the Tobacco Buy Out that took place in the early 2000s. The Phipps did not take the Buy Out and are now one of the few in Southern Maryland that still grow the crop! Watch the video here.
For your exemplary stewardship of the land, the wildlife that inhabit it, and the animals in your care, we thank you. Congratulations!